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Christian beliefs

“Therefore go and make disciples in all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age,” (Matthew 28:19-20).

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Wesley Christian Life 810x540 14The gospel message is the central message of Christianity—that Jesus was the Son of God sent to earth to be the saviour of all humanity and that His life, death and resurrection bring new life. We are committed to sharing the gospel message with all, including those outside the church and our society’s marginalised.

The Bible is our inspiration and our beliefs are firmly grounded in Scripture. We believe the Bible has the ability to change lives, offering wisdom, guidance and hope for anyone who is searching for answers.

Heart for the marginalised

Alongside our Christian beliefs, we believe that the downtrodden and vulnerable deserve special attention and care. This belief and practice is rooted in our Christian beliefs.

“‘Because the poor are plundered and the needy groan, I will now arise,’ says the Lord. ‘I will protect them from those who malign them’,” (Psalm 12:4-6).

We reach out to many people who others would rather forget. They might be branded problematic, unloved, dysfunctional and hard work. They are the people that Jesus spent time with when he walked the earth. He had an overwhelming love for all people regardless of their race, social class, background, beliefs or condition. As followers of Jesus, we seek to love them too.

Housing and accommodation 810x540 3 1 4Social Justice

We endeavour to offer justice, hope and peace in all we do. We work toward a more just, inclusive and fair society at every level of operation from our services, outreach programs, worship activities, events and corporate life.

To work toward a more just and fair world is not an optional extra. It is an essential quality of what it means to live a Christian life. The Bible clearly instructs to advocate on the behalf of the disadvantage

“Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy,” (Proverbs 31:9).

Jesus Christ was not afraid to speak out against injustice and advocate for the oppressed. We aim to be a voice for our society’s voiceless and speak out in the media on issues affecting the disadvantaged, use our expertise to influence policy and produce educational reports with new findings and recommendations on social issues.

In building a stronger, fairer and more sustainable society, we are committed to responding with care and generosity to the vulnerable and disadvantaged. We also stand alongside Indigenous Australians and other minority groups to work toward justice and a better life for all people.

Training and Jobs 810x540 5 300x200 1Education

We are committed to helping people fulfil their ambitions and life goals, by equipping them with knowledge and training. Through Wesley Training we give people the opportunity to explore career paths and gain appropriate qualifications to enter their desired area of work. All of our services from counselling and mental health services, through to our hospitals, employment, aged care, family and disability services, are grounded in models of best practice and we are committed to keeping across the latest research.

Our congregations engage in Bible study groups where people come together to study the Bible, discuss theological issues, learn more of what it means to live a Christian life and encourage each other. We also believe Christians are called to grow in their faith and use their knowledge and gifts to serve others. Our congregations provide opportunities for people to lead small groups, youth clubs and Sunday Schools and participate in the pastoral care of the broader Wesley Mission community.

Education and training is a key component for all our staff who are encouraged to develop their skills and continue their journey of education right through their careers. We provide tools, resources and skill development opportunities to all those we work with including the unemployed, families, young people, older people, people with disability, homeless people and anyone else who seeks our services.


We believe in working and living alongside those who are disadvantaged, vulnerable or in need of support. We look to the life of Jesus Christ as a model for how to live and serve alongside others. Throughout Jesus’ life, he chose to spend time with those who were sick, poor or on the outskirts of society. While our head office and administrative services are located in the heart of the city, many of our services are spread across greater Sydney and beyond. This means our people can provide a hands-on approach to care and community service. We believe it is important to understand and be present in local communities and we tailor our support and services to particular areas.

Wesley Christian Life 810x540 16 1 1Inspired by the Bible

As a Christian organisation we believe that ongoing learning and studying of God’s word is vital in developing the life of the broader Wesley Mission community. Our values and mission statement is based on biblical principles and the work and witness of our organisation is firmly grounded in our biblical beliefs.

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work,” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

We believe that through God, the Bible has the ability to change lives. We believe that, along with pastoral care and specialist support, the Bible can offer wisdom, guidance and hope for anyone who is searching for answers in life.

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