Wesley Mission is one of the largest Christian not-for-profit community organisations in Australia. We operate over 120 community services programs throughout metropolitan and regional New South Wales, with over 2,000 staff and 4,000 volunteers.
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CEO and Superintendent
BA (Acc)
Stu was welcomed as CEO and Superintendent of Wesley Mission in January 2021, having served for almost 15 years as Lead Minister for Newlife Church, the largest church in the Uniting Church in Australia. Based on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane, Newlife has an extensive community services ministry including emergency relief, counselling, recovery and homelessness services, and support for people experiencing domestic and family violence.

Leadership team

Responsible for Wesley Mission’s governing purpose, principles and strategic direction, our Board is chaired by Michael Anderson.
With representatives and experience from across our business, the Wesley Mission Executive Leadership Team provides direction for our work.