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Launched in 2013, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) changed the way people with disability receive the support they need to live the lives they want. Under this system, the funding you need for support services is allocated to you, not a service provider, giving you more choice and control over your support.

You have choice and the control over how you use funded supports in your plan. That includes choosing how you receive care and what service providers you use.

There are five ways to manage your NDIS fund:

  1. Agency Managed – providers of your support claim directly from the NDIA.
  2. Plan Manager – funding in your plan is allocated for a third party to manage the financial transactions in your plans.
  3. Self Managed – you (or your nominee) directly manage the funds – all transactions are completed by the participant for services rendered.
  4. Automated Payments (transport only) – these funds can be deposited into an NDIS bank account weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
  5. Combination – a combination of the above four options can be used together to meet your individual needs.

In some cases the NDIA or others will manage the funding for supports. For example, where there is an unreasonable risk to a participant.

NDIS Resources

You have a permanent and significant disability if your impairment is, or is likely to be permanent (i.e. it is likely to be life-long) and substantially reduces your ability to participate effectively in social or economic activities or perform tasks or actions without the help of other people or technology or equipment (other than common items such as glasses).

To find out if you are eligible, call the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) on 1800 800 110 or read the NDIS Access Checklist. If you are eligible, you will need to complete forms and send them to the NDIA for processing. 

Our team is ready to answer your questions about the NDIS and help you or the person you support get the most out of the scheme. For more information, please email or call 1300 086 906.

Contact us

Wesley Disability Services 

Phone: 1300 086 906


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Registered NDIS provider

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