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True or false: common perceptions about homelessness

Common perceptins about homelessness

The realities of homelessness are quite different to what you might expect. Did you know 58 per cent of Australians who are homeless are under 35*?

In order to tackle the rising issue of homelessness, we must first have a firm understanding of it, which means dispelling untrue perceptions of what we think homelessness means

Here are some common perceptions about homelessness, and some unexpected realties behind them:

Answer: False

It is commonly thought that Australia’s homeless are only those sleeping out in the open. In reality, the people that you may see on the streets make up a small proportion of the picture—only seven per cent of the 116,427 Australians who are homeless are sleeping rough*. Most of the people who don’t have a place to call home will not be visible. In fact, the increasing number of people experiencing homelessness has been driven largely by the 51,088* who are living in ‘severely’ crowded dwellings.

Answer: False

A lack of empathy towards people who are experiencing homelessness can stem from stereotypes of the ‘addict’ or person living off welfare. The perception that poor choices have made someone become homeless is a harmful misconception, and is a hugely complex issue. The reality is that homelessness can be the result of a combination of social, economic and personal factors, which can’t be summed up as ‘choices’. These factors can include domestic violence and family breakdown, unemployment, mental health issues, drug or alcohol addiction and financial stress, with a shortage of affordable housing being one of the key drivers.

Answer: True

The homeless demographic is diverse, it can happen to anyone regardless of gender, age or ethnicity; to individuals and families. While men aged 45 to 64 represent 13 per cent of the total number of Australians experiencing homelessness*, homelessness is most common among younger Australians. Of the total number of Australians who are homeless, 58 per cent are under 35*.

Answer: False

In Australia, there is a shortage of social, public and affordable housing which is safe and suitably located, and that meets the needs of all families and individuals including those with pets.
For some people, having a safe, secure and affordable home could be the start towards helping them leave homelessness. But in our experience, for every year someone is on the street, it takes a year of intensive support to help them to undo the effect of homelessness.

Answer: False

Contrary to popular belief, many people who are experiencing homelessness have jobs (almost one quarter of the number of Australians who are homeless are employed) or have been recently employed. Due to the rising costs of housing and living expenses, it’s becoming more common that low-income households simply cannot afford their accommodation. In 2016/17, Wesley Mission supported 3,748 people experiencing homelessness and provided the equivalent of 105,252 nights of accommodation. For almost 30 per cent*, the main reason was because they were experiencing financial difficulties and housing affordability stress.

Many of us are just steps away from homelessness. Sudden unemployment or illness that puts you out of work can have a domino effect, and once you’re in the ‘no job—no home’ cycle, it’s difficult to get back on your feet again.

Homelessness is a complex social issue that affects everyone differently. Despite the differences in the circumstances, Wesley Mission believes that everyone experiencing homelessness deserves our help.

What can you do ?

From volunteering your time to making financial donations, there are many ways to help combat homelessness in Australia. 


*Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census of Population and Housing: Estimating homelessness 2016.

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