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I need help to stay in my home

Wesley Mission is committed to helping you live a full and happy life. This includes respecting your decision to stay independent in your home and working with you to take appropriate steps so you can do this for as long as possible.

Helpful links

Wesley Mission offers a suite of services to people who want to remain independent in their own homes. These services can be accessed directly through Wesley Mission or through Australian Government programs such as Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) services under the Department of Health and Ageing (DOHA), or Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) services under the Department of Health. We tailor our services to meet your specific needs.

We respect the privacy, dignity and freedom of choice of those we work with and are committed to offering person-centred care that allows the decisions and choices of those we work with guide the type of support we provide.

Help at home

Wesley Home Care offers services that can be accessed as individually or as part of a Home Care Package. Our Lifestyle Advisors are here to help you understand the services available and which programs might work best for you, according to your priorities, needs and circumstances.


Respite care is short-term care provided for those who require full-time care, or for their caregiver. Respite care is designed to give full-time carers a break and provide a change of scene for the person receiving the respite care.

Home modifications

When living at home becomes difficult, Wesley Home Modifications can provide mechanical modifications and support that make living at home easier and safer.

Wesley care finder 

Wesley care finder supports older people who need intensive assistance to access aged care services.

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