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Wesley Mission training services

In addition to our programs offered through the Wesley Vocational Institute, we also train people in other areas through the following services:

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We help parents to access a range of practical activities and services in their communities, from training opportunities and career advice, to parent support groups, assistance with writing resumes and even providing transport to attend an interview.

Rev Keith Garner with the ParentsNext team in Wyong

Wesley Vocational Institute

Wesley Vocational Institute (RTO code 90091) develops and delivers training programs to support the community services industry. The process we follow is one of close consultation with individuals, organisations and community groups to prepare our learners to be workplace ready.

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Financial Literacy

Do you want to be able to unpick financial jargon and learn how to manage your money? Our financial literacy program can help you wrap your head around everything you need to know, so you can feel secure about how you’re managing your finances. We also offer the course ‘In Charge of My Money’ through local companies and organisations.

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Wesley School for Seniors

Wesley School for Seniors offers learning opportunities for people over 55 years old. There are currently around 90 courses offered that cover a diverse range of learning experiences, from beginner through to advanced.

Classes are held at Wesley Mission’s Wesley Centre in Sydney’s CBD, and in Carlingford.

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Suicide prevention

Wesley LifeForce provides suicide prevention services that educate and empower local communities, supporting people most at risk. Partnering with local communities, we create and support networks across the country that are equipped to help people in danger. We take a comprehensive approach to tackling suicide by working in the areas of prevention, intervention and postvention.

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Wesley Vocational Institute RTO code 90091

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