Emotional wellbeing is just as important as your physical health. Good mental health allows you to develop the resilience to cope with whatever life throws at you and grow into well-rounded, healthy adult.
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Healthy minds
Young people often experience emotional turmoil as their minds and bodies develop. An important part of growing up is working out and accepting who you are. Some may find it hard to make this transition to adulthood and may experiment with alcohol, drugs or other substances that can affect mental health.
Just as your body can become unwell, your mind can become unwell too. And just like with physical illnesses, treatment and support is available.
Find support for:
anxiety and depression
anger management
confidence and self-esteem.

Help is available via our youth centres and if you are based in Newcastle, Young Healthy Minds, a Community Mental Health program, can provide early intervention support to vulnerable families with children and young people who are showing early signs of, or are at risk of developing, mental illness.
If you want to speak to someone about your mental health please call Lifeline on 13 11 14. If you or someone you know if in danger call emergency services on 000.