Family issues

We are dedicated to supporting and nurturing young people and their families, motivated by the belief that strong families are at the heart of strong communities

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We believe in the worth and value of every young person and aim to enhance their skills, opportunities, knowledge and safety through the following programs.


Our program is designed to help young people restore peace in their families, so they can avoid homelessness. Our staff are flexible, and will support you wherever you feel comfortable.

We can help you to:

  • stabilise your living situation
  • improve your family relationships
  • strengthen connection to education, training and employment
  • connect you with your community and other support networks. 

The program is available for people from 12 to 18 who live in the Penrith, Hawkesbury or Blue Mountains areas. Contact our youth centres for more information.

Wesley Family Preservation

Working alongside young people and their families where there is an identified risk to a young person’s safety. The program is designed to support families to stay together—to prevent issues escalating and avoid transitioning into child protection whenever possible.