Charity fundraising

Need some inspiration? We’ve created toolkits to take the hard work out of getting started. From physical challenges to bake offs, there’s bound to be a way for you to get involved.

Helpful links

Fundraising toolkits

Tuck in: Organise a food event, like a picnic, morning tea or even a formal dinner party—it’s fun, delicious and a great way to fundraise

Get moving: From fun runs to iron man challenges, get fit and fundraise at the same time by taking on a physical challenge.

Sold out: Hold a market stall, sell delicious goodies at your office or organise an auction.

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Have fun: Put the “fun” in fundraising by organising an event like a trivia night, fancy dress party or sports day.

Give it up: Consider giving something up, like your daily latte, buying magazines or getting takeaways, and donate the money you save to Wesley Mission.

Here to help

If you are interested in fundraising for Wesley Mission, we’d love to help. You can contact us with questions, for advice, or just to let us know what you’re planning. Call us on 1800 021 821 or send us an email at