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Sarah and Bryan’s career confidence grows with Wesley Mission

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While Sarah and her partner Bryan now agree they’re feeling confident about their future, they wouldn’t have said this 18 months ago.

“They’ve worked through some tough personal challenges which has built their confidence. They now believe in themselves and know they can make changes to their circumstances, so life can be better,” Leanne explains, Wesley Mission’s Opportunity Pathways Employment Coach.

ince starting Wesley Mission’s Opportunity Pathways program, through Leanne’s support, Sarah and Bryan have participated in life skills training including Wesley Financial Literacy Education Program’s ‘In Charge of My Money’ and work readiness education.

“Leanne’s got us through struggles and it’s just good to have someone to talk to. She’s always been supportive. She goes above and beyond,” Sarah shares.

Sarah says her new-found confidence also grew while taking part in a week-long adventure therapy program in Coffs Harbour run by Wesley Operation Hope. Sarah, Bryan and their son participated in outdoor activities including archery, hiking and water activities, which focused on building important life skills including time management, communication, emotional wellbeing, team building and goal-setting.

“It really gave people the opportunity to believe in themselves and their future, learn about others’ experiences and know that they’re not alone. It also gave people the basic skills to handle future situations in a positive way,” explains Maddison, Wesley Mission’s Opportunity Pathways Employment Coach.

Leanne continues, “It pushed Sarah and Bryan to do things that they would never really do both physically and mentally. They were very shy when they went in but the confidence that they had by the end of it was amazing.”

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Sarah and Bryan’s futures are looking bright. Sarah is now working at Woolworths and Bryan is volunteering for The Salvation Army driving a truck while he works towards securing permanent work as a welder.

To find out more about Wesley Mission’s Opportunity Pathways program, call 1800 931 108 or email


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