Summer 2025: Your ongoing support means the world to people in need 


The latest issue of Wesley Impact! news is filled with stories about how your compassionate support is working to change lives, for good.   

The start of a new year is a time of immense positivity and hope for the future, and this newsletter is a wonderful reflection of that optimism. Thanks to you, Kate and Elliot who featured in our Christmas appeal are enjoying a newfound hope for the coming year. Now settled in their new home, they’ve had a joyous festive season and are making plans for more happy times ahead, together and safe.  

As well as hearing from Kate and Elliot, you can read about some of the other children we’ve helped with your support. We’ve celebrated 50 years of the Aunties & Uncles program in true style at Sydney’s Taronga Zoo, and showcased the incredible artistic talents of over 100 children and young people from the Out-of-Home Care and Aunties & Uncles programs in an exhibition at Wesley Mission Pitt Street.  

Devoted mother, Selesa, has also shared her story of triumph over a crippling depression and anxiety. Once overwhelmed and isolated and recovering from abuse, consistent care from the team at Wesley Mission has seen her reconnect with both her community and her purpose in life – and she’s not looking back.  

These are just a few of the many lives we’re changing, and we’ve only achieved this because of the kindness of people like you. As always, we thank you for the incredible compassion you show through your donations.  

Your ongoing support means the world to people in need. 

When you partner with us, people affected by the volatility of this world – be it housing crises, cost of living, domestic violence or natural disasters – always have someone to turn to for safety and hope, now and into the future.  

Together, everyone is stronger. Thank you for your support.  

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