Regular giving

By joining our Partners in Hope monthly giving program, you can help give hope for the future to the most vulnerable members of our community.

What impact will your donations have?

Your regular monthly donations will help provide practical support to vulnerable people in our community – people who need a safe home, counselling, education, life-skills or family support.

Why become a Partner in Hope?

Regular updates on the lives your contributions are helping to change:

  • the knowledge that your donation is put to work immediately
  • regular updates on the lives your contributions are helping change
  • hassle-free automatic monthly donations from your credit card
  • the ability to change or suspend your donations at any time
  • end of financial year statements for tax purposes
  • the joy of knowing that you’re transforming someone’s life.

Yes I’d like to become a Partner in Hope!

You can set up your monthly giving online, by completing the form below or complete and return the monthly giving instruction.

If you have any questions about monthly giving, we’d love to answer them. Call us on 1800 021 821 or email